Manual Handling Claims Advice

If you have suffered an injury at work through handling heavy or awkward goods, lifting equipment, or operating heavy machinery that requires a lot of strength, you could be eligible to make a manual handling compensation claim.

There are specific regulations under The Manual Handling Operations Regulations that govern your employer’s responsibility to safeguard you at work and prevent a manual handling injury.

What is a Manual Handling Claim?

A Manual Handling Claim is where you have been injured in work through using your body to move/lift/lower/empty/fill or carry heavy goods or items that directly cause an injury. These can occur in any kind of work place, from places where you would expect a lot of heavy lifting like garages and building sites, to workplaces where you wouldn’t expect much lifting involved, like an office. So even if you have hurt your back carrying a PC from one room in an office to another, don’t think you are not able to claim.

The regulations can still apply.

Is it my fault?

A question that a lot of people with injuries through manual handling ask is whether they themselves are to blame. Well, we understand how this can cause doubt and may put you off making a claim which can get you the compensation you deserve; so here is a quick guide to hopefully help you decide whether you are eligible for a claim.

As mentioned earlier, The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 are regulations that are set for employers to reduce the risk of injuries like this happening to employees such as yourself.

The regulations require employers to:

  • Avoid the need for any manual handling as far as is reasonable
  • Assess the risk of an employee suffering a potential injury through manual handling that can’t be reasonably avoided
  • Reduce the risk of any injury from having to do any hazardous manual handling

So if you believe that your employer did not stick to any of the above procedures then chances are that you may have a claim for compensation.

I’m still not sure if I have a claim!

If you are ever unsure and want some advice on the matter then give The Injury Lawyers a call on 0800 634 7575 and our team of legal advisors will be happy to clarify any questions you may have regarding your claim.

A lot of people will just shrug off injuries sustained through manual handling as their own fault or bad luck, but a lot of the time they are caused because their employer let them down by not giving them the equipment, training, supervision or help that they needed to carry out the task set to them. Remember, it’s about getting YOU the compensation that YOU deserve!

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