Broken collar bone compensation injury claims

It’s easy to break your collar bone in an accident that wasn’t your fault. They’re common in slips, trips, and falls due to the impact of hitting a hard surface as well as high speed road accident cases.

Luckily these sorts of injuries are not generally known to be serious, but you are of course more than entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation for a fractured collar bone (clavicle) injury. So read on for some more advice.

What can you claim for?

Normally a case is formed from two parts – General Damages and Special Damages. General Damages is for the pain, suffering, and general loss of amenity caused. Special Damages is for losses and expenses such as lost earnings from time off of work, medication expenses, travel expenses to and from appointments, and for care and assistance.

When can you claim?

If the accident / injury was caused as a result of negligence, such as slipping on a wet floor, tripping on a pothole, or being involved in a car crash that wasn’t your fault, you may have a claim. We will look to recover your compensation from the party at fault – normally through an insurance company.

All you need is a fully qualified personal injury lawyer like us to make sure you get the maximum payout possible.

How much can I claim for?

Well, the losses and expenses side of things (i.e. Special Damages) is based on your individual circumstances. The injury payout for General Damages is as well, but I can give you an idea based on official guidelines.

To properly value the claim you need to be assessed by a medico-legal expert of our choosing. We then use their reports as the vital evidence we need to value the case and settle for the highest possible amount.

The general guidelines for these sorts of claims say that they are worth between £3,650 and £8,700. Where you fit on that scale is down to your case and the quality of your lawyer.

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