Whiplash claim what to do when claiming!

Whiplash is the common injury you’ll end up with if you are involved in a car accident. It’s caused by the ligaments and muscles in your back being stretched beyond their normal range of movement, leaving you with pain and stiffness which normally affects the neck, shoulders, and back area.

How badly you suffer can be related to how bad the accident was, but at the same time two people could be in the exact same accident and can end up suffering in totally different ways.

There’s a lot of bad stigma associated with whiplash claims, but if you ever end up suffering with the injury you’ll know as well as I do just how bad it can be. I’ve had it myself and suffered with the injury for a lengthy time. In fact, it sometimes never really goes away. I had a jolt earlier this week and it flared it all up within 24 hours.

If you are suffering with pain and stiffness that has been caused by an accident that wasn’t your fault, then it’s your right to make a claim for personal injury compensation. You’ll know yourself how bad you are suffering, and you’ll understand at that point that all the bad stigma associated with whiplash is generally utter nonsense.

Insurance is there to cover you for the cost of damages and for payments for bodily injuries and any other associated losses and expenses. Because you’re covered, you’re essentially wasting away the money that is rightfully yours by not making a claim.

So here is some guidance on what to do:

Seek Medical Attention

Visit your GP or nip to a local walk in centre for some advice. There isn’t a lot they can normally do to help you but they can recommend some exercises and pain relief medication. They should note your medical records for the attendance which can sometimes be useful for a claim later on.

Seek Proper Legal Advice – Don’t jump in!

You will probably get plagued with calls from insurers who will want to push you in to making a claim with their solicitors, or to claim directly. You will probably get your details passed around to other claims agencies and solicitors who may then call you non-stop until you use their services.

Our best advice is always the same – seek out your own independent legal advice and representation. It’s easy to get suckered in to claiming with one of the pushy companies that will call you when your information is shared round, but you are best off in my opinion seeking a solicitor of your choice.

Know Your Rights

Most firms will want to take up to 25% from your claim thanks to government reforms that have stopped lawyers being able to offer 100% compensation for most clients. If you go through a middle man claims company, you can end up with even higher deductions like 35% or 40%.

Speak to us because we don’t have to take the full 25%. We can often offer much lower deductions for clients who can assist us in getting a claim set up and moving right away. We simply pass the saving on to you.

To find out more, just call 0800 634 7575 today.

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