Advice for work canteen accident claims

For many offices, the most dangerous area of the premises can be the kitchen/canteen. Food and liquid are likely to be spilled on the floor causing slip or trip accidents which falls within the scope of an accident at work.

There are plenty of regulations that employers must abide by to prevent workplace accidents. When it comes to slips and trips, we have The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations which actually state:

(3) So far as is reasonably practicable, every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be kept free from obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall.

Any breach of this can leave an employer open to a claim for work injury compensation from an injured employee. Employers must have systems and procedures in place to prevent slips and trips as much as possible, and especially in areas like canteens they should take all reasonable steps to prevent such accidents.

Examples of work canteen accident claims

A scenario where a canteen floor have been cleaned but no signs have been deployed to warn people that the canteen floor is wet, slippy and potentially dangerous. This can constitute a breach of the regulations and pave the way for a successful claim.

Another example, le’s say someone spills something on you, like a member of the canteen staff accidentally spills a hot drink when handing it to you, your employer can be found vicariously liable for their negligence. Essentially this means that the negligence of a colleague will normally fall on to the employer to foot the bill for a claim.

We may be able to get your claim run under our genuine no win, no fee agreement – so you will not pay a penny win or lose. It doesn’t take much time for our legal team to get a claim form set-up and submitted to your employer or directly to their insurers, and the way in which work accident claims are pursued encourages early admissions of liability for simple and straightforward claims.

For work accident claims its always worth contacting us 0800 634 7575 – What do you have to lose by getting in touch?

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