Shutter Injury Compensation Claims

One of the last things you expect is to be hit by shutters! Having dealt with these claims in the past we know it can be quite a shock to the victim and the injuries can be fairly serious as well; ranging from head injuries and neck / shoulder / back injuries similar to whiplash.

So if you are hit by a shutter, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

Your Rights as a Visitor

Generally speaking, if you are a member of a public at a supermarket or a shop or in another public place and you are hit by a shutter, the applicable law is the Occupiers Liability Act. This imposes a duty on people to have a responsibility to look after visitors to their premises. Being hit by a shutter can happen in a number of ways – the shutters are faulty and come down; they are not secured properly; or you are the victim of an employee’s negligence.

In all of the above circumstances we will allege that whoever is in charge of the premises has failed to take all reasonable steps to maintain your health and safety; which is what the law imposes on them. If this has happened to you, we would be more than happy to pursue a claim for personal injury compensation for you on a ‘Genuine No Win, No Fee basis‘.

We can also still offer a 100% compensation agreement even though the law changed on April 2013 that has resulted in most other law firms charging clients for claims.

Your Rights as an Employee

If you are injured at work due to a shutter, then the law is kind of similar in that your employer must ensure this kind of thing doesn’t happen to you. Failing to do so can leave you eligible to make a claim for compensation from your employer’s compulsory liability insurance. Even if it was the negligence of a colleague, you can still claim.

The important thing to understand is that you are protected by law when making a claim for personal injury compensation from your employer. You cannot be treated any differently for making a claim. Don’t worry – you’re insured, and you’re protected!

Making a Claim

Firstly, irrelevant of what’s happened to you, don’t feel daft about giving us a call to discuss making a claim! As I said earlier, if this has happened to you, we would be more than happy to chat about your options and potentially move forward with a claim. You’ve been injured through no fault of your own – you’re entitled to make a claim.

The process is simple – if the accident happened after 31st July 2013 all we need to do is complete a Claim Notification Form and electronically submit it to whoever we are claiming against. It can take less than half an hour to give us a call and get the form completed ready for submission to the other side.

We can take your instructions on the very first call so you don’t have to worry about lengthy form filling! Give us a call now on 0800 634 75 75 for advice today.

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