Car Pulling out of Driveway Claims – Injury Lawyers Advice

It’s a fairly common scenario – especially when people are in a rush, perhaps first thing in a morning, to get somewhere. So if you are driving along and another driver pulls out of a driveway and you crash in to them, who is at fault?

In the vast majority of instances, the other driver is 100% liable for the accident. The principle is similar to that of another driver pulling out of a side road when you are correctly travelling along a major road. The driver emerging from the driveway must give precedence to vehicles already travelling on the road.

Making a Claim

You have a claim by the sounds of it, so we can definitely help you out with pursuing a case for personal injury compensation and vehicle damages. Unfortunately if they have pulled out in front of you, you have probably damaged the front end of your vehicle. For those who know a little about vehicle damages, one of the worst things you can do is damage the front end. If the engine is moved or damaged, you’re probably facing a write off.

At the same time, a sudden stop impact from hitting someone can cause quite a nasty whiplash injury. You may not feel the symptoms right away, and you may only start to suffer a few hours after the accident.

You are entitled to claim compensation for the pain and suffering as well as any losses and expenses on your part. So if you have to take any time off work, we can recover lost earnings for you. If you have to pay for any hire and repair needs, we can recover those as well; although we should be able to assist on that front in any event.

We can also assist with arranging for funding of private medical care right from the start as well.

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