Accident Claims 100% Compensation

If you are shopping around for the perfect lawyer to represent you for your claim for personal injury compensation, you may fall within one of the following common categories

  1. You have yet to speak to anyone and you are unaware of the recent legal reforms that have left lawyers charging clients for making a claim.
  2. You have spoken to a few firms and found they will all deduct 25% from your payout and perhaps even ask you to pay for insurance for your case.
  3. You thought you’d found a good lawyer until you got their paperwork and discovered they had neglected to inform you they are taking 25% of your payout and asking for insurance payment!

The above is based on what we have found from the thousands of people who contact us. So whether you have found this article by searching for lawyers in general and had no idea about the changes, or whether you are hunting for the “Holy Grail” that is a genuine 100% compensation offer, you can look no further!

I am very pleased to inform you that for many accident claims like work accidents, public liability accidents, highways accidents, serious injury claims, and in many other scenarios, we are still offering you the opportunity to keep all 100% of your compensation payout.

But in an age when other lawyers are deducting 25% from your payout, how can we afford to let you keep all of your compensation?

It’s simple:

We Still get Paid!

We still get paid by the other side, we just get less than we used to because we are not allowed to recover a Success Fee or an After The Event insurance premium. The Success Fee can be recovered from a claimant but is capped at a total of 25% of their damages. Hence why most are charging 25% – because they can’t charge any more than 25%!

We Take on a LOT of Claims!

We can afford to take the hit ourselves and accept lower fees from the other side because of the sheer volume of claims we take on and win. It’s simple economies of scale. And with our offer being the best out there, we’re ahead of the competition – why wouldn’t everyone just come to us?

We Don’t Want to Charge You!

We don’t think it’s fair at all that the government have changed the rules to let insurers maintain their deep pockets by making claimants pay to claim. So we took action in an age where other law firms have rolled over and accepted that they must charge clients.

We only deal with claims for personal injury so we are very good at what we do, we are very efficient, and we know how to get the best results.

The choice is yours:

  1. Come with us and get all 100% of your payout.
  2. Go elsewhere and only receive 75% of your payout.
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