Serious Injury Solicitors 100% Compensation

We like to think that our name says it all – we are THE Injury Lawyers; a firm of specialist personal injury solicitors who only represent victims for compensation claims. We’re a real law firm, not some claims management company who pass you over to solicitors. It’s us that advise you, and us that represent you for your personal injury compensation claim.

We have particular expertise in representing victims of serious accidents and catastrophic injuries. We have represented many victims for claims that range from a few thousand pounds to millions of pounds. So claiming with us gives you the peace of mind you need to know that we are fighting your corner for the claim.

But nowadays, given the recent legal reforms in April 2013, most other lawyers are now charging clients up to 25% of their compensation if they win. This is down to the law change that resulted in lawyers being unable to recover all of their fees from the opponent like we used to be able to do so.

But we can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement. That means you will keep all of your payout, if you claim with us! If you are seriously injured, this could save you a huge amount of money. Here are a few examples using official guideline valuations for serious injury claims:

Very Serious, including – Tetraplegia / Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Brain damage, loss of sight…

For the injuries alone, these can attract awards of almost £300,000. This is just for the injury, and a victim can still claim for lost earnings, both past and future, as well as care needs and adaptation needs and rehabilitation.

So the actual final payouts can be in the millions.

  • With a law firm deducting 25% of your claim, you could lose up to £75,000!
  • With The Injury Lawyers, you would keep all of your payout.

Serious Back or Pelvic / Hip Injuries , serious hand injuries…

For the injuries alone these can attract up to £100,000.

  • With a law firm deducting 25% of your claim, you could lose up to £25,000!
  • With The Injury Lawyers, you would keep all of your payout.

Serious Shoulder Injuries…

For the injuries alone the payouts can be up to around £34,000.

  • With a law firm deducting 25% of your claim, you could lose up to £8,500!
  • With The Injury Lawyers, you would keep all of your payout.

As you can see, the difference could be significant. If you are seriously injured and it wasn’t your fault, now it is more important than ever to speak to us about making a claim as we can offer you all 100% of your payout – no deductions, no hidden charges.

Call our dedicated claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 for advice today.

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