Who are the best Injury Lawyers?

I could of course be bias and say that we are! But to be fair, I could back up exactly why we may well be the best injury lawyer for you.

In the good old days (which was before the massive legal reforms that took place in April 2013) it was all about the benefits of the service that we could offer for people – i.e. how we go the extra mile. But due to the legal reforms, most lawyers can no longer afford to offer people 100% compensation agreements. So for many, it’s about chasing the best offer, which is usually the lowest deduction.

Why won’t lawyers offer you 100%?

The government altered the way legal fees are recovered from the other side. They stopped the recoverability of something called a Success Fee and something called an After The Event insurance premium. The Success Fee is a percentage of fees lawyers get for winning the case, which is designed to reflect the fact that lawyers cannot win them all. This was about access to justice – i.e. being able to get a no win, no fee and have a shot at claiming what you might be owed.

The insurance is normally taken out to cover a clients for risks or being charged by the opponent in certain scenarios, and also to cover things that might not be able to be recovered from the other side – like the cost of a medical report.

With lawyers being unable to recover these, the innocent Claimants are taking the hit – and the government set a cap of 25% to stop lawyers taking any more than 25% from a client’s payout for the Success Fee.

But what if I was to tell you that there are still ways you can keep all 100% of your payout?

Our 100% Compensation Agreement

With most law firms taking the full 25% from your payout, I can give you one solid reason why we might be the best injury lawyer for you – because for most claims like work accidents, slips and trips, public liability claims etc we can still offer you the opportunity to keep all 100% of your agreement.

  • There isn’t a catch.
  • There are no other fees you pay to make up for us not taking a deduction.
  • You genuinely can keep all 100% of your payout.

Why can we do it when most other lawyers can’t? We do still get paid by the other side, it’s just not as much as we used to. Basically we take the hit instead of you.

So how can we afford to do it?

  • We only represent victims for compensation claims – hence our name as THE Injury Lawyers. So this is our bread and butter; it’s all we do. We are efficient and experienced lawyers.
  • We take on high volumes of cases.
  • We are pretty good at winning claims so our success rate is brilliant.

Now, many law firms will try and tell you that “no one offers 100% compensation” or might tell you that it’s “impossible!” – well, you are being misled. I know you are being misled because we back up our promises in our paperwork!

To dispel a few mistruths other lawyers are telling people – based on what clients have told us about their experiences speaking to other lawyers before they found us –

  • No Win, No Fee agreements haven’t been “abolished” – amazingly some firms have been telling people this, which is total nonsense and serves only to show you to avoid instructing them!
  • It’s not illegal to offer 100% compensation – the reason it’s happened is because lawyers can’t recover all their fees from the opponent. So the lawyers are choosing to charge you.
  • We still get paid by the other side, it’s just not as much as we used to – so we don’t have to take a percentage to make money.

Don’t be fooled by the jealousy of firms who cannot offer you a 100% agreement. Our offer is genuine, and we back it up in our paperwork.

So give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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