No Win No Fee Injury Lawyers

This is a phrase that is batted around A LOT – so it is important to understand the difference between firms and make sure that you instruct the best lawyer for you.

So to begin with, what is a No Win No Fee?

This means that you should not have to pay the fees to run your case if the claim doesn’t win! You should receive 100% of the compensation awarded to if you win as the legal fees for most injury claims are recovered from the defendant.

So what should you now look for in an Injury Lawyer to make sure they’re the best? Here are a few examples.

  1. Communication
  2. Expertise
  3. Accessiblity
  4. Friendly

This is a very basic checklist however there is a lot more too each heading and here at The Injury Lawyers we pride ourselves on ensuring we have focused individually on each one and ensure you as the client get the best service level possible!

  1. Communication – many people can be anxious about making a claim as it can be a daunting thing. However we have focused on ensuring that we make our client’s feel at ease with the whole process by updating them every 14 days. This ensures that you are always kept in the loop; it is your claim after all! This update also is not full of legal jargon – we like to build a strong relationship with our clients and from our client testimonials it seems to be working!
  2. Expertise – as a specialist personal injury law firm we only deal with personal injury claims. This means that we have superb expertise in the area. We know what should be happening in certain claims, we know what a good settlement in and we know the best route to take. Therefore you can be assured that you have the best lawyer acting on your case.
  3. Accessibility – we don’t believe in 9-5! This isolates us from our clients that work the long working week; so we’re open until 10pm throughout the week and 9-5 at the weekends! If you have a question there is no need to worry about it being “after hours”- we are still here and still able to help.
  4. Friendly – Finally, we always take a friendly approach to everything that we do. Having to deal with an injury that wasn’t your fault is burdening enough and therefore we are here to make the process as easy and relaxing as possible.

So if you feel that we could help you with your no win no fee personal injury claim, please contact us now and one of our legally trained advisors will be happy to chat and help!

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