Uninsured Driver Claims Advice

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident and you are to obtain compensation, this will in almost every instance be provided by the negligent drivers’ insurance company

This is one of the reasons why it is compulsory to have motor insurance; if something does go wrong, it can be sorted out as quickly as possible.  Unfortunately though, there are over 1 million drivers in the UK who drive illegally without insurance.  So – what happens if you are injured in an accident caused by an uninsured driver?  Where would you get your compensation from?

Obviously it won’t be from their insurer – so, does the negligent driver themselves have to compensate you? Well that is a possibility, but it is unlikely because they probably don’t have the money to pay out.  Ok, so does that mean they get away with it, and an injured victim cannot be compensated? Fortunately not!  This is where the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’) can step in.

So long as you report your accident with the police as soon as possible after it happening, you can make a claim for compensation from the MIB.  The MIB was set up back in 1946 to provide compensation for the innocent victims of uninsured drivers’ negligence.  What this means is that there is a compensation fund, in which all insured drivers contribute roughly £15 to £30 each year, so injured victims can be compensated.  All you have to do is fill out a claim form with the MIB and they will assess your claim and sort you out with compensation.  Don’t worry if you are unsure as to how to do this, because with the right injury lawyer on your side, they can do all the work for you.

At The Injury Lawyers we have not only successfully obtained compensation for numerous people who have been involved in road traffic accidents with insured drivers, but we have also made sure that we have got numerous clients compensation from the MIB where they have been the victim of uninsured drivers’ negligence.  If you want to pursue a claim for compensation, get in touch today and we will be happy to assess your claim and provide you with some great free advice.  If we can help you out we will let you know and can get the ball rolling on your claim straightaway!

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