Hair Extension Problems – Claims for Compensation

Over the past few years or so, we have seen an increase in personal injury claims stemming from poor quality services in the beauty industry that have left people bruised, burned, scarred, and emotionally down when they end up injured through a beauty treatment gone wrong.

One of the more common ones is treatment involving hair extensions that have gone wrong; so, if you have stumbled upon this article because you are looking for some information on this topic, look no further, and know that you are not alone!

We have had claims ranging from hair dye gone wrong, where skin testing has not been completed correctly or at all, to hair extension treatments performed incorrectly resulting in patches of baldness, uncomfortable head, irritations, and scarring.

When it boils down to the ins and outs of it, anyone providing you with a any sort of treatment has an important duty of care to ensure that the treatment is performed safely and that there are no adverse affects that are preventable, or that you have not been warned of prior to the treatment. This duty of care rests with not only the providers of the treatment, but to the owners of the salon who will likely be the ones with the insurance. All salons or private providers should have insurance in place to cover themselves in the event something goes wrong.

What Should Happen Before Your Treatment

You should be forewarned if there are any potentially adverse affects that could be caused from the treatment. For example, some laser hair removal has been known to cause rashes and irritation for considerable lengths of time post treatment. If there are any potentially adverse affects, you will probably be asked to sign some form of disclaimer. Before you sign it, ask questions about anything you are unsure of, and only sign it if you feel the contents are clear and understandable as to any potential risks you may face.

Once you have signed anything, obtain a copy – and don’t let anyone say you can’t have one! If they refuse to give you a copy, I’d take your business elsewhere if I were you. By retaining your own solid copy, you know that whatever it is you have signed cannot be ‘altered’ at a later date if something isn’t explained properly. This is something we have potentially faced in the past.

What Should You Do if the Treatment Goes Wrong?

If you find that some form of adverse affect is starting to occur, seek advice from both the treatment provider, and your GP as quickly as possible. There’s no point in taking any chances; make sure to be on the safe side and get some medical help.

Your treatment provider may advise you that whatever you are experiencing is normal. Rather than take their word for it, still seek medical advice; particularly if this adverse affect you are experiencing are not something you were pre-warned of. If they offer to help you, make sure you fully understand what it is they are going to do to hopefully rectify the problem.

If whatever is happening is not something that you were forewarned about, make sure you find out exactly how they have managed to go wrong with your treatment. If they offer you some money or vouchers, make sure you don’t sign anything confirming that you are settling any form of claim. If you are not sure, speak to a lawyer or don’t accept it. It will likely be some form of good will gesture in light of your suffering, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!

What to do next

Suffering some form of adverse affect following treatment gone wrong is not a nice thing to have to go through. Moving back to the topic at hand, if you end up with bald patches or an uneven look due to hair extensions going wrong, or you end up with some form of irritation of suffering, you will likely be in pain both outside and in. Nobody wants to look bad – having to look bad due to negligently performed treatment is not something you have to suffer in silence with; particularly if you are also going to end up some scarring or prolonged irritation or pain.

The best thing you can do is speak to us for some advice about your options for compensation for the pain and suffering endured. As I said before, we have seen an increase in these sorts of claims, and we have settled several successfully; so we are the right people to speak to.

If we feel that you have been subject to negligently performed treatment, we will be able to make a claim on your behalf using our Genuine No Win No Fee basis. This means that you will always receive 100% of your compensation if the claim wins, no deductions, no charges, and will have to pay absolutely nothing if the claim unfortunately loses.

Give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 for a free, no obligation friendly chat.

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