Whiplash Claims

The Telegraph has recently reported that a study by The Association of British Insurers has shown that 1,200 claims for whiplash are made every day, which equates to three-quarters of personal injury claims in the United Kingdom, and is six times as many claims as those for accidents at work

In fact, it is the United Kingdom which sees the largest volume of whiplash claims within Europe.  As a result, the Telegraph writes that the NHS spends approximately £8million a year helping people with whiplash injuries, and insurances companies are paying out an estimated £2billion a year in compensation for these whiplash injuries.

So – what is whiplash? Whiplash is normally a neck, back, and shoulder injury caused by the soft tissue in the spine being forcefully jerked – e.g. from the impact of being hit behind by another person’s motor vehicle.  So, how do I know if you have whiplash?  Here are the common symptoms:

  • Pain in your neck, shoulders, arms and back
  • Headaches
  • Muscle spasms
  • Difficulty moving

Whiplash is most likely to occur where you have been involved in a road traffic accident whereby another vehicle has hit your car and caused you to be jolted suddenly.  That said, whiplash can occur during other activities, for instance a sudden impact during a game of rugby.

Interestingly, the Telegraph suggested in their article that whiplash is an injury that is often faked and whereby fraudulent claims frequently arise.  At The Injury Lawyers we have dealt with thousands of genuine whiplash cases and would encourage you to ignore any stigma that may be attached to a claim for whiplash where you genuinely believe you are suffering whiplash.  To have a successful claim you are required to undergo a medico-legal examination – in other words, a medical appointment, where a qualified expert will assess your injuries.  It is therefore not someone without any plausible whiplash injuries that can successfully make a whiplash claim.

At The Injury Lawyers, we are experts in dealing with whiplash claims, having successfully progressed thousands of claims over several years.  If you believe you are suffering whiplash having been involved in a road traffic accident which you consider was not your fault, then it is more than likely that you will have a claim for compensation.  Please feel free give us a call today for some free, no obligation, legal advice.  Your claim can be assessed right away, and within a couple of months, you could be fully compensated for your injuries.  What’s more, we at The Injury Lawyers will keep you fully updated with your claim every 14 days and will always seek the maximum compensation you deserve.

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