Getting you back on the road when you make a motorbike accident claim

There is much awareness around the safety of motorbike users on the road. I myself can think of many advertisements on television regarding motorbike safety as well as signs by the side of the road stating – ‘Think Bike!‘. This all serves to remind us of the vulnerability motorbikes have on the roads and to always leave them space and properly check the way is clear before proceeding.

Bikes are more difficult to notice than cars due to their size and speed; which increases their risk of being involved in a road traffic accident.

When an accident occurs, it may mean for the biker that their motorbike is damaged and unusable, and if they’re badly injured they’ll be unable to ride any bike for a long time. Ultimately, for the injured rider, it’s not only losing a way of getting about, but also a much loved pursuit.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we are fully aware of the above and so do our utmost to make sure cases are moved along quickly in getting treatment for our client at the earliest possible stages as well as resolution.

We have links with private healthcare clinics with whom we can organise treatment, such as physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, and osteopathic treatment – this treatment being payable by the other side if you win, and by insurance if you lose. We may also be able to hire a courtesy bike while your own is being repaired. All the above means we get you literally back on the road and also on the road to recovery, as quickly as possible!

Statistics show that, on average, users of motorbikes are males between the ages of 30-39.

This is a demographic which may be supporting a young family and coming up to the peak of their careers. In view of this it’s important to begin a motorbike accident claim for compensation as soon as possible.

Then, if/when liability (fault) is admitted on your claim, applications for interim payments may be made. Interim payments are payments which may be made from the other side to the claimant before the case comes to a conclusion. The interim payment is then deducted from your final settlement.

If you would like any more information on making a motorbike accident claim then you can call us free from a landline or mobile on 0800 634 7575 or by filling out our quick callback from below.

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