Accidents on a Bus or a Coach

At The Injury Lawyers we have many clients approaching us after being involved in a bus or a coach accident.  Many of them are unsure if they have a claim and or who the claim may be against.  This lack of knowledge surrounding this area of personal injury may be due to the large number of accidents focused at road traffic accidents in general for car accidents.

If you have been involved in an accident whilst on a bus or a coach you may have a claim for compensation.  If the bus/coach was involved in a road traffic accident then you may have a claim against the driver of the car at fault. If the accident was the fault of the bus driver you may have a claim against the bus company. With regard to dealing with motor insurance claims your specialist personal injury solicitor will correspond with the insurance company of the party at fault on your behalf.

The above being said, accidents whilst on buses or coaches may not just be a due to a road traffic accident. Many clients come to The Injury Lawyers and we successfully claim compensation for the client falling over on a bus. In order to have a potential claim a fall must be the fault of the driver or another road user. There are many potential reasons for falling over whilst on a bus/coach; it may be that the bus jerked violently to a stop, thus knocking you over, or you may have slipped on a spillage or tripped on a trip hazard in an aisle.

Bus companies have a duty to protect their passengers as far as is reasonably possible from harm. In order to prevent accidents and increase your own safety I have listed a few tips below:

  1. Sit at the closest available seat when boarding a bus/coach to avoid falling over when the bus pulls away from the stop.
  2. Ensure small children are not sat on the seat closest to the aisle.
  3. Ensure no bags or other hazards are left in the aisle.

At The Injury Lawyers we work hard on behalf of our clients to ensure the best possible amounts of compensation. We have a vast amount of experience in bus and coach accidents and give free claim assessments whether we take the claim on or not.

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