Repetitive Strain Injuries (‘RSI’)

When people hear of others getting injured at work, they tend to think of accidents occurring on a building site, accidents involving machinery, or maybe someone falling off a step ladder when putting items on shelves, for example.  It may therefore surprise some of you to know that one of the most common injuries suffered by workers are Repetitive Strain Injuries, or ‘RSI’s’.  What is meant by an RSI?  Well, RSI is a broad term which relates to the pain people suffer when they overuse a certain part of their body.  RSI affects different areas of your body, but these injuries most commonly occur in your wrists, arms, fingers, back, shoulders, elbows and necks.  Where someone carries out repetitive tasks for long periods and without sufficient time for rest, they may suffer an RSI.  Currently, RSI injuries are keeping thousands of employees off work for long periods at a cost of millions of pounds to businesses.

If you have a desk job and are sat in front of a computer all day, it would come as no surprise to us here at The Injury Lawyers to learn that you have suffered an RSI.  If you are currently in a job which has repetitive tasks, for instance working at a checkout, carrying out the same manual handling tasks over and over again, serving on a production line, or carrying out data entry tasks, and you are also in pain, this may be down to an RSI.  It is therefore important to consider whether you have any of the following symptoms – if you do, get yourself seen by your doctor and seek the advice of a professional injury lawyer who will be able to advise you as to whether you are entitled to compensation:

  • Is there tenderness in your muscles?
  • Are you unable to go about your normal business without being in pain?
  • Do you suffer cramps on a regular basis?
  • Are you in pain even when you are resting?
  • Does a particular part of your body ache, feel numb or tingle?

If you have any of the above symptoms or believe that you are in pain due to the repetitive tasks you have been set at work, it is important that you get yourself checked out by your GP.  Furthermore, in some cases, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation against your employer.  This is because by way of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations your employer owes you a duty of care to ensure that any risk of you suffering an RSI is minimised.  So, if you have told your employer that you are in pain whilst at work, and that this may be because of your repetitive activities but they fail to act on this and let you carry on with your work, exacerbating your condition, it is a great idea to contact a quality personal injury lawyer who will be able to instantly advise you as regards your potential claim.

If you are suffering an RSI there are plenty of things that can be done to help you.  You can ensure that you sit upright at your desk; You can make sure that your keyboard, mouse and phone are in easy reach and do not require you to stretch; You can take regular breaks and alternate your tasks.  Your employer should be understanding and do all they can to help you out.  If they do not, and you are in pain as result, you may deserve compensation and you should get in touch with a professional personal injury lawyer.

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