Road Traffic Accidents: Speeding

The government have put a number of road traffic laws into place to ensure that all road users are safe when using the roads. One of the laws, the one we are more than familiar with, is speeding. All of the roads through Britain have an assigned speed limit. This informs drivers of the maximum speed they can travel at in the area.

If a driver is driving over the speed limit and is caught, they may receive a fixed penalty. If a driver repeats the same offence, the penalty may increase and they may end up losing their driving licence. Speeding is extremely dangerous, and speed limits are put into place for safety reasons and must therefore be adhered to at all times.

If someone is speeding and becomes involved in a collision, it is likely that they will be found negligent if the speeding was the cause of the accident. If that accident caused you to suffer injury, it is likely that you will be able to make an injury compensation claim. 

Injury compensation claims for road accidents are usually very straight forward. In most cases it will be clear to see which driver caused the accident. All you have to do is instruct a personal injury law firm to handle the compensation claim on your behalf.

After a road traffic accident we recommend that you seek medical attention as well as perusing a claim. That way your GP will be able to assess any injuries you have sustained, and will then be able to make a note of them in your medical records. It is also very important that you make your GP aware of how you sustained the injuries. This will then act as evidence when you make your claim.

So, if you are going to consider breaking the speed to get you from A to B faster – think again! I hate to point out the obvious to you but speeding really does cost lives. Not only does it increase the chances of you becoming involved in an accident with another motor vehicle, it also puts the lives of pedestrians at risk.

If a pedestrian doesn’t see you coming and walks out into the road, or you don’t see them until the last minute, if you’re speeding, the chances of you hitting them are increased. Not only that, but the faster the speed that you hit a person or another vehicle, then the worse the injuries suffered can be.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and would like more information on making an injury compensation claim then we will be able to give you the support and legal advice that you need.

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