Unprovoked Dog Attacks

Dog attacks can be unprovoked incidents that can be extremely traumatic both physically and psychologically. If you or your child has suffered injuries as a result of a dog bite, you could be entitled to claim for compensation with the help of a personal injury solicitor.

Dogs can often attack when they are frightened or feel threatened; after all, they are animals and their behaviour can be hard to predict. If you wish to pursue a claim because you have been bitten by a dog, it would be most advisable for you to seek the help of an independent firm of personal injury solicitors. This is because they will seek to recover the maximum compensation for you – only the experts will never charge you for their work under a genuine no win no fee agreement.

Try to record as much detail as possible about the incident, as this can b very useful for your solicitors. Also try to record details of any expenses that you may have incurred as a result of the accident. If anyone witnessed the accident, it’s also very helpful to record their details so statements can be obtained from them at a later date.

If you are looking to claim for your child and they are under the age of eighteen they will require someone known as a litigation friend. This person, usually a parent or guardian, acts on behalf of the child with their best interests in mind. A minor can’t place a claim for compensation on their own as it is considered by law that the child may not have the necessary capabilities to deal with such matters. The settlement sum that is recovered for the child will be held in a savings account until the court feels the child reaches the age of 18.

It is always best to try and place the claim for compensation as soon as possible, as there is a limitation period in which you have only a certain amount of time to pursue a claim. For adults, this is a time scale of three years from the event in most cases, and for a minor they have up until they reach twenty one for their limitation period to expire.

Your personal injury solicitor will be able to assess your claim and advice you accordingly as to if they think your claim would be successful. They will also be able to provide you with relevant information and guidance to pursue your claim to a successful conclusion.

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