Understanding Whiplash Claims

In our continuation of our bite size personal injury lawyers database of terms we are focusing on, as our title suggests, Whiplash Claims. The majority of whiplash injuries occur after an road accident and it is an injury focused around the neck area.

What does it mean?

A good sized percentage of people who have suffered from a whiplash injury recover in a few months but many report painful symptoms years after the accident.

Settlement for “average payouts for whiplash injuries” can be varied and it’s best to get in contact with an experienced personal injury claims lawyer to understand first and foremost if you have a valid claim.

Most whiplash cases are the results of road traffic accidents but they can happen in any situation where the neck area experiences sudden and violent jerking movement. Other areas for whiplash injuries to occur can be airplanes, horse riding, roller coaster rides and trains.

If you are interested in receiving more advice about whiplash injuries then contact The Injury Lawyers. Our experience counts when it matters.

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