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Jaw Fracture Injury Advice for Claiming

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Jaw fracture injury claims can attract some pretty high payouts. When you think about it though, the affect a jaw fracture injury can have on a victim can be serious and devastating. It’s a real painful injury and it can be so life changing, with victims struggling to speak and facing a lot of difficulty in doing simple things most of us take for granted like eating and drinking.

This is why personal injury payouts for jaw fracture injuries can be high, as we need to take in to account the extent and severity of the suffering endured.


When it comes to valuing a claim for personal injury compensation, we will need to send you to see a medical expert to provide a report for us that we can then use to value the claim. The report is very important, as it allows us to use our experience and knowhow to value the case. The report will detail not only how you have suffered when it comes to pain and inconvenience, but it will also substantiate any claims for losses and expenses.

Typically, when looking at the official guidelines for jaw fracture injuries, we’re looking at quite a difference between the lower and upper ends of the payout ranges. There isn’t generally a middle ground when it comes to the valuations – you’re either lucky to escape with a case of minor jaw fracture(s) or we’re talking serious and long term disability.

For the less serious jaw fractures, where recovery is complete, we’re looking at payouts ranging between £4,600 – £6,250. Where you are on that scale depends on how you have suffered, and we can judge this using the medical report.

In more serious cases there may be difficulty in moving the jaw and / or permanent tingling and pain sensations. Payouts in these kinds of scenarios can range from £12,850 all the way up to £32,500.

It’s quite a broad range, but the seriousness of the injury will dictate where the victim lies on the scale. As I said earlier, we judge this based on using the medical reports we obtain combined with our wealth of experience and knowledge in personal injury claims.

What I can claim for?

Typically the claim is split in to two parts – General Damages for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused (where we use the guidelines above with medical evidence) and Special Damages which is for losses and expenses. This can include:

  • Lost earnings from time off work – including future lost earnings if your ability to work has been seriously restricted due to the injury.
  • Medical expenses – whether it’s for medication, treatment, or anything else you need to ease the pain and problems associated with the injury.
  • Travel expenses – to and from appointments, whether it’s for operations, general checkups, or rehabilitation.
  • Care and assistance – for help provided by friends and family.

What should I do?

Get an expert personal injury lawyer to represent you for a claim on a No Win, No Fee basis. For some claims we can offer advice for 100% compensation agreements as well, which could save you potentially thousands of pounds in lost compensation a solicitor might take from you.

For help and expert advice, call free on 0800 634 75 75.

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