Compensation for suffering from a life-changing injury


Anyone who has suffered a life-changing injury could be entitled to recover considerable compensation, and we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We specialise in, and focus on, serious and catastrophic injury cases as a law firm in respect of personal injury, so you know you can trust us to help you in the best way possible. To talk to our team for a free, no-obligation chat, please do not hesitate to contact us here now.

Claiming compensation for a life-changing injury

You could be entitled to claim compensation for a life-changing injury, and this kind of legal case is usually treated differently to most standard personal injury compensation claims. A life-changing injury will, of course, have much more of a significant impact on the victim, so it is essential to make sure that any compensation package meets the needs of the claimant.

In a claim, you can recover damages for any pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused, and you can also claim losses and expenses incurred. The injury side is known as General Damages and the amounts are usually payable based on case law and guidelines that are used based on the injury suffered. However, in the case of a life-changing injury, the more prominent part is sometimes the losses and expenses side of things, known as Special Damages. This part of the case is designed to make sure that any incidental losses and expenses are covered, which in a claim of this nature can be considerable.

An easy example is lost earnings. If an injury stops you from being able to work at all, you could be eligible to recover compensation for lost earnings for the rest of your life, including any pension payments. If you are still able to work but your trade results in you not being able to attain a salary as good as it was, we could claim for any offset loss instead.

We also may need to look at things such as private treatment or private surgery if this is going to help you, and we may need to look at care expenses claims if you are going to need help for the rest of your life. We could recover expenses to cover you for the rest of your life to make sure that you have ongoing payments and support when you have been injured and suffered catastrophic injuries through no fault of your own.

Getting the right expert lawyers on your side

Given that serious injury compensation cases must account for the suffering that could affect a person for the rest of their life, it is vital that you get expert lawyers on your side. You need specialist personal injury lawyers who are used to recovering compensation in such cases, and who are used to supporting people when their lives have been completely changed by a catastrophic injury.

As a law firm, when it comes to personal injury, this is precisely what we specialise in and focus on. We have resolved many cases on behalf of people who have suffered injuries that have lasted a lifetime, including serious brain injuries and multiple loss of limb injuries. We have recovered millions of pounds in damages over many years and we have an expert team to support you every step of the way.

In a case like this, we are more than just your lawyers: we are a part of the vital support network that is there to help you in the long term.

Free, no-obligation advice available here now

The best place to start is for a free, no-obligation chat about your legal options, and we will see if we can help you. Whether you are making an inquiry yourself, or on behalf of somebody that you know who may require our help, we are happy to conduct a completely free claims assessment to be able to determine if we can help you and what legal representation we can offer.

Please make sure to contact our team here now for further advice here now.

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