Claiming compensation for a life-changing brain injury

Head and facial injuries

Injuries to the head and brain are some of the most serious conditions we represent claimants for as specialist Injury Lawyers. These injuries can have a long-term and sometimes an irreversible impact on brain function that can significantly affect the injured person’s way of life. If you have suffered a life-changing brain injury, or if you have a loved one who has, you may be able to pursue a compensation claim.

From paralysis to speech impairment, those affected by severe brain injuries are often left with permanent disabilities. Such injuries can be sustained in incidents such as road traffic accidents or workplace injuries where the impact on the victim’s head is significant. Where the injury has been caused primarily due to the negligence of a third party, the injured person could be eligible to recover compensation for the damage caused.

Serious brain injuries can leave those affected, and their loved ones, with a strong sense of injustice. Whilst we cannot reverse the harm done, we can use our legal expertise to help victims and their families receive financial support through these new, life-changing difficulties. You can contact our specialist team for more advice on your potential case.

The potential impact of a life-changing brain injury

The consequences of a life-changing brain injury can vary significantly from person to person, but some of the potential side-effects can include:

  • paralysis or reduced mobility;
  • reduced organ function;
  • memory loss;
  • reduced life expectancy;
  • sight loss;
  • speech impairment;
  • personality or behaviour changes;
  • loss of independence;
  • reduced awareness or consciousness;
  • fatigue;
  • mental illness.

With such a serious array of side-effects, it is vital that the consequences of serious brain injuries are fully accounted for through compensation claims.

Potential compensation awards

The compensation pay-out for a life-changing brain injury will depend upon the specific circumstances of the case and the conditions which the injured person must now face. The Judicial College Guidelines set out compensation brackets that can give a broad range of the potential General Damages pay-outs for claimants:

  • Very severe brain damage – £224,800 to £322,060;
  • Moderately severe brain damage – £174,620 to £224,800;
  • Moderate brain damage – £34,330 to £174,620;
  • Less severe brain damage – £12,210 to £34,330;
  • Minor brain or head injury – £1,760 to £10,180.

The brackets listed above are only guidelines, so each claim will be evaluated individually in much more detail. Most importantly, there is a potential for overall compensation pay-outs to exceed the amounts listed above where claimants are eligible to recover Special Damages, a category of damages designed to account for the financial losses and expenses caused by the injury. This is particularly required for victims who face a life-changing brain injury, as their condition can require the employment of carers, significant ongoing treatment and medication expenses, and it may leave them unable to work for the rest of their lives. Coping with such a condition therefore requires financial support, which we can aim to achieve as part of your claim.

As such, overall pay-outs can be in the millions of pounds when losses and expenses are factored in.

Make your compensation claim with expert lawyers

The life-changing brain injury of you or your loved one through negligence represents a huge injustice, so we aim to hold those responsible accountable to ensure that you can receive the compensation you deserve and need to cope with the condition. Our specialist team of lawyers have experience in valuing and pursuing claims in a way that enables us to maximise compensation pay-outs.

For eligible claimants, we can even offer No Win, No Fee compensation representation, so contact us for free, no-obligation advice if you are considering making a claim.

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