Hernia mesh legal case for compensation

Over the past few years, hernia mesh implants have been at the centre of growing controversy, with many patients telling of the painful and debilitating complications caused by the devices. The scandal is wide-reaching, as tens of thousands of people who have undergone hernia mesh surgery could be confronted with complications. We have been pursuing a hernia mesh legal case for many people over the last few years, and we want to remind those affected that they may still have a chance to claim compensation.

Surgical mesh is one of the most common treatments for hernias, with surgeons using the mesh to hold in displaced tissue. The use of hernia mesh has long been approved by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), but it has since been suggested that the clinical reviews of the product’s safety are lacking.

We believe it is vital to hold the responsible parties accountable for any harm they may have caused patients, and one way to do this is to bring medical negligence claims. If it is established that your doctor or a healthcare professional breached their duty of care through you being recommending hernia mesh as a treatment, you may be able to recover compensation for any harm caused.

What complications can be associated with hernia mesh?

Hernia mesh complications can develop over time, and they may not become apparent for some patients until years after surgery. When they do emerge, it may constitute an intermittent problem or even a chronic health issue.

The complications associated with hernia mesh can include:

  • pain;
  • adhesion (inflammation of scar tissue);
  • bowel obstruction, which can impair bowel function;
  • infection;
  • organ perforation (mesh cutting into organs);
  • mobility issues;
  • hernia recurrence.

Any of these complications could be enough for you to bring a hernia mesh legal case, regardless of the severity of your symptoms.

Your hernia mesh legal case

In order for us to confirm your eligibility for a hernia mesh legal case, we normally need to establish medical causation. In essence, this means that we have to prove that the pain and suffering of your complications resulted directly from the actions of a medical professional, or is the result of a defective device. For example, it may be that your doctor failed to observe their duty to adequately warn you about the risks of hernia mesh, meaning that you were unable to provide informed consent for the treatment to go ahead.

Once this has been established, we can then look into valuing your claim. We can look at how much compensation you could be awarded for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused. It may also be possible to recover compensation for losses and expenses associated with your complications. This means you could be compensated for factors such as medication costs and even lost earnings due to time spent off work, if this applies.

Make your compensation claim

We understand how difficult it can be to suffer from hernia mesh complications, but we are here to ease the claim process for you and support you every step of the way. We can even offer No Win, No Fee representation to eligible clients.

Please do not hesitate to contact us today for free, no-obligation advice on your potential hernia mesh legal case.

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