Arm injury compensation claims

When it comes to arm injury compensation claims, there’s often a lot more to it than just the pay-out for the injury alone, which we will look at here in this blog.

There’s also the losses and expenses side of a case which can be substantial. If you can’t work for the rest of your life as a result of a serious arm injury, we need to take this into account. When it comes to talking about potential valuations, we can only really give rough advice for the injury side of the case alone. When it comes to the losses, that’s a very different thing to consider.

Here’s a little insight into how we can work out the valuation of an arm injury case and what you may be able to expect.

How we value a compensation claim

We will look at two things when it comes to the valuation for arm injury compensation claims which are as follows:

  • General Damages: for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused;
  • Special Damages: for the losses and expenses incurred as a result of the injury.

For the General Damages side of things, we can use a medical expert to provide a report for us as well as our own expertise in the area of injury law compensation. We also use official government guidelines that can place people into brackets for injury cases as well.

Separately, we can also produce a Schedule of Special Damages which is a claim for things like lost earnings, treatment expenses, care and assistance cases, travel expenses and more. In a serious injury compensation claim, the Special Damages side of a case could be worth far more than the injury side. If you lose your ability to pursue your career and are set to lose hundreds of thousands of pounds for years, we may be able to look to recover these as part of a case.

Arm injury compensation amounts

We can look at the official guidelines used to value arm injury compensation claims to give you a rough idea of what you may be able to be awarded.

It’s important to know that the use of proper medical evidence is how we formally value a case. The below is just information from the guidelines for the General Damages (injury) side of the case alone, and it’s important to note that the bulk of a serious injury case could be made up of the losses and expenses.

Official guidelines say as follows:

  • Simple fractures of the forearm: up to around £16,830.00;
  • More severe injuries leading to some disabilities and a long period of recovery: up to £34,340.00;
  • Injuries leading to substantial disablement like serious fractures of one or both forearms with functional and / or cosmetic problems long term: up to around £52,490.00;
  • Very severe injuries that fall short of amputation, like a brachial plexus injury: up to around £114,000.00.

Arm amputation compensation claims

When it comes to arm injury compensation claims for amputations, these are placed in a separate category, with the brief overview as follows:

  • Below-elbow amputation: up to around £96,000.00;
  • Above-elbow Amputation: up to around £120,000.00;
  • Loss of both arms: up to around £263,000.00.

For free, no-obligation advice about whether we can represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis, make sure to speak to our team.

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