The Injury Lawyers help injured worker recover £12,000 in compensation for neck injury

Our client was unfortunately struck by a falling object in the workplace that had become loose due to heat from welding. He was struck hard by the object that weighed around 200kg, suffering injuries to the neck and the back, which also (as is common) radiated down in to the shoulder and arm.

This was an injury that could have been far more serious. It could have paralysed the claimant for life, and medical professionals noted that our client was really lucky to be alive.

For the pain, suffering and loss our client endured, we fought for an award of compensation in sum of £12,000.

Nature of the injury and loss

As is often the case with neck and back injuries, our client was forced off work for a few months, having to live off very limited Statuary Sick Pay (SSP) money. Hobbies were also a no-go, and a brace was needed for the neck to prevent further damage and aid the recovery of the injuries.

In cases like this, victims often require a lot of help from friends and family, and this help can actually be claimed back as part of the case on an hourly rate basis. If you’re spouse has to do the cleaning and the cooking for you, you can claim back an hourly rate for their time assisting you.

Nature of the legal case

The claimant was injured during the course of their employment whilst carrying out a task as instructed by the employer. The claimant sustained injuries that could have been fatal. Thankfully, they were not.

The Injury Lawyers held the employer responsible for the claimant’s injuries, but they denied any legal liability and refused to share important evidence that would assist with finding out exactly how this had been allowed to happen. We therefore had a fight on our hands whilst our client concentrated on treatment and getting better.

At the end of the day, that’s our job. We prefer our clients to concentrate on getting their lives back on track whilst we do all the legwork and hard legal work to fight for their compensation claim, so our injured clients don’t have to!

Settlement of the case

We managed to persuade the defendant to pay compensation to our injured client, and after a round of negotiations, our client was very happy to accept £12,000 in compensation for the pain, suffering, and loss caused.

We actually fought for an increase from the initial offer and attained a 25% increase in the sum our client was looking at during the negation process. Our job is to ensure our clients receive a fair settlement, which is why we’re equipped and prepared to fight hard and negotiate fearlessly for our clients.

We’re pleased to have settled another case of clear negligence where an innocent worker was injured whilst acting out their duties in the workplace. If you have suffered an injury at work, don’t suffer in silence – we may be able to help you too!

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