Samsung blames faulty batteries for the Galaxy Note 7 smartphones to catch fire

Samsung has been engaged in fierce competition with Apple to be the top mobile phone provider in the world. Consumers have witnessed the two brands constantly spewing out countless smartphones, each one being faster, smarter, clearer, more vivid etc than the last.

Samsung finally made it to the top of the headlines and gained worldwide attention… when reports came in that their phones were setting themselves on fire.

For most, a smartphone is a must have in today’s busy society. It connects us to the rest of the world, no matter how far apart we are. We can access all the knowledge this world has to offer through a few swipes, and mobile applications that can do anything from online banking to rating public toilets.

A smartphone these days have everything you need in the digital world; all kept in a sleek device the size of an overpriced chocolate bar.

It therefore horrified millions of us when reports that certain phones were setting themselves on fire hit the headlines. Incidents popped up worldwide and it was soon confirmed that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7’s were systematically involved.

Users reported that phones were setting on fire by themselves. After one started smoking and set itself on fire during a flight, airlines banned the phones as a fire hazard. As expected, Samsung has finally confirmed that the fires were caused by a faulty batteries.

Massive recall

When the reports erupted worldwide, Samsung had no choice but to quickly warn owners and recalled the defective products. They then reportedly replaced the smartphones with new Note 7’s; however, even with a new battery from a different supplier, some apparently continued to suddenly ignite, and Samsung quickly stopped selling the phones.

The entire incident has cost the South Korean company around $5 billion dollars, and consumers looking for a new smartphone will undoubtedly be wary that even a new model may be a fire hazard. The Galaxy S8 is their newest flagship smartphone to hit the stores. Prospective buyers will not be blamed for hesitating to queue up for its release.

Battery room the problem?

Insiders have suggested that the Samsung Note 7’s may not have had enough room for the battery to safely operate. In a bid to make their phones sleek and compact, battery space was perhaps compromised a little too much.

Whatever the problem, those who have been injured as a result of the phones can be eligible to claim compensation from the company. As the manufacturer, Samsung has a duty to make sure their phones are up to safety standards and do not harm users.

Manufacturers of faulty products must be held responsible for their negligence. Bringing a claim against a negligent company not only holds them accountable and helps the injured person gain retribution, it also serves as a public service, raising awareness for other prospective users.

If you have been harmed because of a defective product, get in touch with our personal injury expert lawyers to see how we can help. If we take your case, we will take it on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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