Specialist Medical Negligence Solicitors – What you need to know!

Our advice here comes from a great deal of experience, and we often advise our clients when they speak to us that one of the key things to remember when it comes to medical negligence law is that it is a very complex and specialist area of law.

Medical negligence is often far from straightforward, even in what are known as the ‘simpler’ cases. So, irrelevant of how strong you think your case is, you need to speak to specialist medical negligence solicitors like us.

What makes medical negligence so different?

Simply put, it’s harder to prove both breach of duty (i.e. fault / negligence) and medical causation (i.e. proving that the negligence caused you suffering). There is a very fine line between being the victim of an unfortunate event and being the victim of negligence.

Having a specialist lawyer gives you the best toolkit needed to prove both breach of duty and medical causation. This is because:

  • Your legal team themselves will have greater expertise and will probably have represented victims of claims just like yours;
  • We have access to the best medical experts across the country who can provide us with their evidence to show that both breach of duty and medical causation are proven;
  • We have access to the top medical negligence barristers in the country;
  • We have more funds to fight your case!

In straightforward road accidents or work compensation claims there are often set protocols with systemised procedures and fixed levels of fees. The whole process often follows a very linear method, meaning most lawyers can deal with them. Medical negligence on the other hand (being a specialist area of law) means pursuing a case that requires more specialist experience and more money to fight what can be a more expensive case.

We have seen many people go to non-specialist law firms who have not been able to complete the case because of a lack of funding or have not been able to win the claim. Whilst we can usually step in and help out, valuable time may have been lost due to time limits to claim, and information or evidence may have been disclosed to the other side by your solicitor that may be detrimental.

A lot can go wrong with such a specialist area of law, which is why we can’t stress enough the importance of instructing specialist medical negligence solicitors like us.

What makes us specialist medical negligence solicitors?

It’s simple:

  • We have teams and lawyers who have decades of experience helping victims of medical negligence claims;
  • We have helped victims of a wide ranging claims, including victims who have been awarded settlements in the millions of pounds;
  • We have represented thousands of victims for decades;
  • We have the funds and access to the specialist knowledge and evidence needed to fight for the best outcome of a claim;

For our specialist help and advice, please call 0800 634 7575 today.

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