Manual handling at work – a quick guide!

If you have found yourself having to manoeuvre objects at work, and as a result you injure yourself, we may be able to claim compensation on your behalf.

As it stands, the law is clear that your employer should not be requiring any employee to carry, push, pull or lift any object which can pose a danger to their health and safety where it can be avoided. Where this can’t be avoided, strict compliance to the law is a must.

If it is the case that manual handling is a regular part of your role, then your employer must do everything necessary to reduce potential risks of you injuring yourself whilst carrying out your job.

Duties your employer must comply with to keep you safe

Most importantly, your employer must regularly review and carry out risk assessments to ensure that potential dangers which can be associated with manual handling at work are reduced.

Alongside this duty, employees must also seek to protect their own safety by complying with any health and safety procedures put in place by their employer, and being careful so as to not put others in danger by their own actions.

Manual handling at work injuries can be significant so the importance of avoiding them is huge. There can be no excuses or lapses in terms of failing to properly plan, monitor, and control manual handling at work that’s carried out through the course of employment.

If you have been injured due to manual handling and you think you can make a work injury claim then get in touch with us and we will see if we can help you out.

Call us on 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today. If you prefer, why not arrange a call back from one of our team, for instant advice on whether you have a manual handling claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you back at a time which suits you.

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