Broken leg compensation

A broken leg can be a nasty injury that can lead to a lot of suffering and problems. We help a lot of people with broken leg injury claims so we know all too well how bad it can be; what they have to go through; and how to get them the best possible outcome for a case.

So if you want to make a broken leg compensation claim, how can our expert lawyers help you get the best possible outcome, and what can you expect to claim for?

There is a lot to consider when it comes to a broken leg compensation case. In law you are entitled to claim for the injury itself as well as any losses and expenses. So you can receive an award for the mere fact that you have sustained an injury which has caused you inconvenience and pain, and you can claim for any money you have lost or have had to pay out on top of this too.

We will organise for you to be seen by a specialist medical expert – usually an orthopaedic with particular expertise in leg injuries for a broken leg compensation claim – and they’ll produce a report for us so that we can value the case. This report will outline the extent and severity of the suffering and loss caused to you and it is what we need to then value the claim.

The losses and expenses are simply calculated based on what you have lost or paid out for. Just give us your evidence and we can look to include it in the case.

How we get the best outcome for a broken leg compensation claim

We are actually expert injury lawyers who only help victims claiming for personal injury cases. We help people who have been lucky enough to have escaped with a minor break, to those who have suffered multiple breaks and have been badly injured.

We have special teams to help seriously injured clients and we have access to some of the best medical expert and barristers in the UK.

We can also help you with private medical care and rehabilitation needs that we can sort the funding for, and then recover from the other side. We’re happy to fund it all for you, and we offer genuine no win, no fee agreements for cases too.

Our wealth of experience and access to the best experts in the UK means you can be guaranteed the maximum payout possible and the best care possible throughout what is probably a traumatic time. Where other lawyers settle for what may be seen as the ‘average’ or ‘the alright’ we endeavour to go the extra mile and only ever strive for the absolute best.

Broken leg compensation payouts

Although it’s all about the medical evidence and your losses and expenses, I can give you an insight using official guidelines for cases when it comes to how much a broken leg compensation claim may be worth:

  • Simple fractures can be worth up to around £10,000
  • Fractures that require metal implants and some long term problems can be up to around £20,000
  • Complicated or multiple fractures can be as high as £30,000
  • Serious compound or comminuted fractures can extend to £40,000

More serious injuries can of course then lead to even higher awards, and it’s important to remember that the above is based on the injury alone. You can still recover your losses and expenses on top of that as well.

Call 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today. If you prefer, why not arrange a call back from one of our team, for FREE instant advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you back at a time which suits you.

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