Baling machine accidents at work

Baling machines are of course extremely dangerous. The law in place is designed to ensure that no person is injured by either falling in, or becoming caught and pulled in, to a baling machine – and to ensure no-one is injured when servicing the machine or clearing any blockages.

But despite the stringent health and safety laws in place, accidents involving baling machines at work remain common. Employee activity and interactions with baling machines remain a constant health and safety concern, and many are not following the rules.

There are laws in place to ensure that employers enforce a safe system of work. There are specific regulations called The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations which put an important duty on employers to ensure that anyone using a baling machine is not exposed to danger.

The regulations cover:

  • The maintenance and suitability of the baling machine itself
  • The deployment of suitable and adequate guards and rails to prevent contact with moving parts of a baling machine
  • Training and supervision in relation to the use of a baling machine
  • Systems and procedures for the safe clearing of blockages and for the safe maintenance of baling machines
  • Methods to isolate baling machines from all power sources
  • Emergency stop controls that are accessible, usable, and effective

One of the biggest failings is employees clearing blockages dangerously by standing on or near areas they shouldn’t be, or by clearing blockages when it is not safe to do so. It’s common in the retail industry with cardboard balers as much as it is in the heavy industries and farming industries. A lack of regard for the procedures in place as well as a lack of employer enforcement can be blamed.

It’s important to state though that many employees who are not practising safe work when using a baling machine are not usually aware that what they are doing is dangerous and in breach of the law.

But as the regulations clearly show, guards and rails are a big thing. There shouldn’t be anyone allowed to access moving parts to ensure the safety of employees. Training and supervision is of course key to this as well.

Prospects for claiming

Generally speaking we will normally be able to help you with a work accident claim where you have been injured by a baling machine. As long as we can show that your employer is in breach of the health and safety regulations that they must adhere to then we can normally settle a case for you.

If you have been injured in circumstances surrounding a baling machine then you can contact us for help 0800 634 7575 today.

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