Speak to a medical misdiagnosis lawyer today

Medical misdiagnoses can be a very serious problem indeed. Misdiagnosis is one of the most common causes of medical negligence claims, and it can stem from being incorrectly diagnosed – leading to delayed or incorrect treatment – or by not being diagnosed quickly enough, or at all.

Medical professionals ought to know the signs and symptoms to be able to provide you with an accurate diagnosis. But if they don’t, you need to speak with a misdiagnosis lawyer as soon as possible.

Here’s a little advice about misdiagnosis claims to aid you in the meantime.

Misdiagnosis – can I claim?

Proving a misdiagnosis can be a bit of a blurred line in some cases. Unfortunately some symptoms presented may be caused by several different things. Some conditions cannot easily be identified early enough because of factors beyond the medical professional’s control.

Take a fracture for example – sometimes they cannot be seen on x-rays because the swelling is too great and it masks the break on the image. Other times it’s blatantly obvious to see a crack or break in a bone.

Another example might be chest pains. Chest pains can be caused by so many different things, of which some are minor and need not concern you, and others should be ringing the most important of alarm bells.

Essentially the misdiagnosis lawyer needs to show that you could have been correctly diagnosed at an earlier opportunity; and had you have been correctly diagnosed you would not have suffered in whatever way you did.

Misdiagnosis can easily lead to considerable compilations as well.

How does my medical misdiagnosis lawyer prove my case?

Medical evidence is usually crucial in a misdiagnosis claim.

At The Injury Lawyers we often instruct experts to review your records and to identify whether they believed there was an earlier opportunity to diagnose you correctly. If there was then you have quality evidence right there to show why you ought to be compensated.

The misdiagnosis of course has to have caused some undue or further suffering in order to make a claim though. If it made absolutely no difference then you may struggle to form a claim as you may not have anything to actually claim for. When you claim compensation, you are typically claiming for unnecessary suffering and loss. If you didn’t suffer, what are you claiming for?

If complications did arise, or if you suffered for longer because of a misdiagnosis, then that is further and additional suffering which can be claimable.

Which medical misdiagnosis lawyer should I instruct?

Call me bias, but as a trusted name in medical compensation claiming, our medical misdiagnosis lawyers are on hand and are more than equipped to help you right now.

We have recovered millions of pounds in compensation for medical Claimants just like you, and as experts in our field, we will fight tooth and nail to obtain you payout.

For help and advice call 0800 634 7575 today.

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