How do you find the BEST injury lawyers in the UK?

loss of limb compensation

Well, by coming to this site, we’re confident you have already found one!

But let me back this statement up by letting you in on some industry secrets that can help you to know when you have found the best injury lawyer within the UK. There are a lot of firms out there and we often work very differently from each other. Fees, service levels, quality, experience, and how the basics of the claim are run can vary significantly.

So let us tell you how we work at The Injury Lawyers because we think this is what makes for the best injury lawyers. And we’ll tell you what to compare it to as well.

Quality is Key

There are some firms out there who treat claims like they are a part of a basic manufacturing process. They go through processes that don’t always mean that the victim gets the best experience.

The truth is, whilst some claims can be similar, every case is different. Each case needs to be treated individually.

There are also non specialist law firms out there who simply deal with personal injury on the side, or perhaps as part of a wider service. You’re not always getting the best lawyers with the specialist skills to help fight your case.

So our advice is simple: by instructing an expert firm of injury lawyers who only represent victims for injury claims, and who have a long history of happy clients behind them because of our personal touch and better ways of working, you have the best chance at getting the best experience possible.

With us, The Injury Lawyers legal team only help people make injury claims, which makes us specialists in our field.

Costs and Fees

Since some reforms that happened in 2013 many UK law firms are charging way more than they need to be in our opinion. Although because we are a firm of injury lawyers we can be more efficient by being better at what we do and having better and more bespoke systems and procedures. So, it can be down to the fact of specialist injury lawyers being the best again!

Our fee arrangements for most of the cases we take on mean that:

  • You pay nothing if you lose
  • You pay nothing upfront
  • You pay nothing on account
  • We don’t have to charge the standard 25% like most do
  • We don’t add on extra fees or percentages that see some lawyers taking up to 50% in some cases or charging fixed upfront amounts ranging from a few hundred to thousands of pounds

It’s simple and we communicate this to you in plain English right from the start so you know exactly where you stand. We know a lot of UK law firms often fall short on properly explaining how things work to prospective clients, and that is one area we absolutely pride ourselves on. Clearness and clarity in our advice is what we aim for.

To speak to the best in the business for help and advice with a compensation claim call 0800 634 7575.

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