Medical injury compensation – How does it work?

Fortunately we are medical injury compensation specialists which means we can help you find out how a claim like this can work.

It can be a scary experience to have been let down by the very people who are there to help us, but it does happen. And when it does happen, our medical negligence lawyers are here to help you through this difficult time.

So if you would like to know more about how a medical injury compensation case works, read on for some real legal advice from The Injury Lawyers who are here to help people just like you.

Free advice for medical injury compensation

You can speak to one of our medical claims team for a free and no obligation chat about whether you have a case. If we think that you have a claim to make then we can offer to represent you on our genuine no win, no fee agreement.

It’s very beneficial to you because it means we can fund the case for you so you don’t need to worry about paying any upfront fees or worry about paying our fees if the case is lost. We’re happy to have an informal chat with you about your options and then take it from there when you are ready.

For many cases we can also offer free home visits too.

Getting started – investigating your claim

We will usually obtain your medical records to help us identify where you have been let down in terms of the medical services you received. It’s helpful to know the background and know what the consultants and medical staff were considering when you were under their care.

We can then arrange for you to be seen by one of our own medical experts, although sometimes we would like you to see more than one. It’s nothing to worry about – the medical experts are privately instructed and they are entirely independent and their duty is to the court. They are needed to get a professional opinion that you have been the victim of negligence and also to show how you have been affected.

Knowing how you have been affected helps us to value your claim, and we have long standing relationships with some fantastic experts. We also have great relationships with some of the most senior and highly qualified medical injury compensation barristers in the UK.

Fighting for your medical injury compensation

To win you medical injury compensation claim we need to:

  • Show that the expected duty of care for you has fallen short
  • Show that the problems were caused as a result of the above

We use the medical evidence I referenced above to prove this, but this doesn’t mean that the opponent will then accept liability right away. Cases are often disputed so don’t feel immediately worried if this is the case as it can be a bit of a standard procedure sometimes.

Ultimately our job is to fight for your compensation and that is exactly what we will do. Medical injury compensation is a very complex area of law and you need more than just an average solicitor or unqualified assistant to help you. As a firm of specialist injury lawyers who only help victims of negligence, you can rest assured that our dedicated team will be fighting for your case.

A free, no obligation, chat about your options

Please call 0800 634 7575 and we will be happy to discuss your options with you.

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