CNC machinery injuries and claim advice

CNC – Computer Numerical Control – machines are designed to not only be more efficient, where less skilled workers can operate them and less workers are required, but they are also supposed to be safer. When safety is automated, the idea is that there should be little room for error. Yet time and time again, employers defeat or disable safety mechanisms and expose workers to injury.

This should never happen, so if it does, the victims are entitled to seek the justice they deserve.

When a CNC machine is not programmed to protect a worker from a specific risk then the danger can be clear and evident. There are certain actions that should automatically be guarded but if the systems or functions have been disabled then employees are at risk.

You’d think that disabling or defeating safety systems would never happen, but as a firm of specialist work accident lawyers, we can tell you that it does. There can occasionally be communication blocks and health and safety can end up being a lapse issue.

Because CNC machines can be operated by far less experienced and qualified workers, the dangers are often unknown to them. This means that where the protection that should be in place has been disabled or is not even there, accidents can be inevitable.

The Law

We look to The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations as that puts in place provisions for employers to ensure that:

  • Machinery is safe to use
  • Guards and stop controls are in place and are effective
  • Training, policies, and supervision is in place where applicable
  • Isolation from energy sources is in place and effective

The above is just a short snippet of the regulations that should be in place but the important thing to understand is that you may have a claim if you have been injured by a CNC machine. If the safety devices or controls have been disabled or defeated then you should contact The Injury Lawyers as you may have a valid claim if you are injured as a result.

For expert legal advice please call 0800 634 7575 today!

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