The Injury Lawyers – THE reputable compensation firm for you!

Do you know why we are called THE Injury Lawyers?

It’s fairly obvious – its because we are THE original Injury Lawyers, and we have decades of experience in helping victims fight for their rights to compensation and we have recovered millions of pounds in compensation for our clients.

Want to know what makes us reputable when compared with the tonnes of other firms out there? Read on to find out.

We’re a REAL law firm

So many of the other big names out there who say they are “real lawyers” and claim to fight for the underdogs are not actually lawyers at all. In fact they are firms who refer cases to law firms with fee arrangements that can cost you more money.

We call them claims management companies and they add no value to your claim at all in our opinion. These accident advice services don’t actually deal with your claim – they pass you to a firm of their choosing. You can end up with any old lawyer and you may get no say in the matter. You may end up even having to pay for this as well!

We are an actual law firm who will actually represent you for your claim should you instruct us to do so. Coming to us directly means you deal with us directly. We’re not some useless middlemen like many of the big names out there, and with us you are coming directly to the source.

We specialise in injury law

Again, looking at our name, we only deal with INJURY claims. We are The INJURY Lawyers.

That means we don’t deal with other areas of law, so our solicitors and legal teams are specialist injury lawyers with years of dedicated experience in fighting for the rights of injury victims. It means our advice and our service is bespoke; the quality of our services is high; and the knowledge we have and the access we have to the support and experts you need is vast.

Our name really does say it all!

Don’t just take our word for it…

We’re settling cases all the time and constantly taking on new clients and offering them better deals than the competition. This is why our clients are love what we do and are normally very grateful and thankful for the work we do for them.

Take a look at a spread of our client testimonials here.

Need us to prove it?

Call 0800 634 7575 and we can talk to you more about what we can do for you and how the process works.

Our advice is free and on a no obligation basis.

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