Repetitive shoulder strain injury at work settled for £7,500

Repetitive strain cases can be very difficult to win for several reasons. Proving that your employer has actually breached the law can be difficult, but even harder than that can be proving that injuries are caused as a result of the repetitive action as opposed to being the victim of general wear and tear.

It can be a complex area of law and there are some inexperienced lawyers out there who are not qualified enough to represent you for this sort of case. Read on for a further insight.

Our bodies will commonly wear down over the years that we use them. There can be a real thin line between wear and tear and suffering injury through negligence. As a firm of specialist injury lawyers, we have the experience needed to properly fight your case and we have access to the best experts needed to prove your injuries were caused through negligence.

These are key ingredients to making a successful repetitive strain injury case. Shoulders in particular can easily wear down over the years, but in this case we were more than happy to fund our clients claim on an entirely no win, no fee basis. Having assessed the prospects we felt we could win it.

Our client through the course of her employment had to use a heavy carpet cleaning machine on a very regular basis for prolonged periods of time. Unfortunately, this resulted in a stress injury to the shoulder joint which led to a lot of pain, stiffness, restricted movement and use, and the need for medical intervention.

With our network of countrywide medical experts we were able to source a quality report from a highly qualified orthopaedic consultant. We were also able to fund private scans and x-rays to assist our client in knowing more about the injury and to assist our expert in producing a great report.

Our client was happy to settle the claim in the sum of £7,500 for the injury and losses caused.

Have you suffered a work related repetitive strain injury?

I can’t stress enough just how important it is that you instruct an expert law firm like ourselves! This can be a very complex area of law and you need to have the best chance at winning the case and get the best possible settlement.

We work on a no win, no fee basis and as part of the service when we fund the claim we can:

  • Offer private medal care and rehabilitation
  • Obtain reports from highly qualified medico-legal experts
  • Obtain interim payments to assist you financially if you are off work

There is, of-course, so much more we can do. For advice call 0800 634 7575 today.

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