Forklift truck crushing injuries – claim advice

Forklift trucks can be dangerous and we take on a lot of work accident compensation claims for victims who have been injured by forklift trucks. If you have suffered a crushing injury from a forklift truck – for example, being run over by one or being crushed by the loads itself – you may have a winning claim for personal injury compensation.

Here’s a bit of advice that you may find useful…

In most circumstances the injury is caused by the negligence of a colleague. If a colleague has run over your foot and caused a crushing injury to the lower limb then you should have a rightful action against your employer. Your employer can be vicariously liable for the negligent actions of an employee. This means that the employer must investigate and settle the claim where an employee is at fault.

Vicarious liability simply means that the employer has to take responsibility. Employers should have insurance to cover them and the insurance can cover claims for vicarious liability.

The same can apply where you have been injured due to a crushing injury by a load from a forklift truck. Whether the load has fallen off and caused the injury, or where something has been lowered on to you, the same vicarious liability rules can apply.

The general gist is that your employer must pay out where your colleague has been negligent.

Crushing injury claims

Crushing injuries can generally be quite bad and the recovery time can be unpredictable and sometimes rather lengthy. This is why we instruct expert medical consultants to help us properly value the claim, and we can offer private physiotherapy and treatment to assist your recovery if it is needed.

We can fund medical costs for you and recover the costs at the end of the claim.

What you should do

If you need advice then call our claims helpline on 0800 634 7575 and we will be happy to discuss the circumstances and your rights to claim on an entirely no obligation basis. Our advice is free and we are happy to help you out.

If you would like us to take the claim forward for you and you want to get the case moving forward fast then we can take your instructions over the phone and set up a claim there and then.

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