Pressure Ulcers (bedsores / pressure sores) – you could be entitled to compensation

Pressure ulcers, which are commonly referred to as bedsores or pressure sores, can be a common but severely painful condition were skin is worn away when it is placed under pressure.

In minor cases the skin can be discoloured and painful but in severe cases the skin can be worn down to the point where the underlying muscle tissue or bone is exposed.

If you have sustained bedsores whilst under the care of the NHS or other healthcare workers and professionals, you could be entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

How pressure sores can form

These types of sores and ulcers can commonly form in people with mobility problems or conditions that affect the flow of blood around the body (such as diabetes). It may be the case that a patient is unable to prevent pressure sores from forming which is where it is important for those who are caring for such patients to know how to prevent them.

They can be easily prevented through help with mobility and using specialist mattresses and pillows, and these are things that those caring for such patients can easily do. So when people are not looked after properly and painful sores develop, they could be entitled to compensation if they have formed as a result of negligence.

Complications of pressure ulcers and sores can be severe

Those who are vulnerable and need to rely on the care of others to prevent bedsores forming are owed an important duty of care, and it’s key to know that these sores can develop very quickly in to far more serious problems.

Infections both in the skin, bones, and joints; blood poisoning; gangrene; flesh eating bacteria developing – these are all complications that can arise and can be fatal in the worse case scenarios. If you or someone you know has suffered due to bedsores that were entirely preventable – or even if you are unsure if they could have been prevented – contact our medical negligence team today.

We’re a real law firm. That means our advice is real, and it is us that would represent you for your claim. You won’t be passed on to some random lawyer because we are the real deal. A lot of firms out there who advertise personal injury services are NOT actually lawyers, but just claims management companies who farm claims to law firms.

Even some of the big names firms who have the word ‘lawyers‘ in their name and claim in their advertising to be ‘real lawyers‘ are actually just claim farmers!

For real advice, from a real firm of medical negligence solicitors, just call 0800 634 7575 today.

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