How long does a car accident claim take? A real case example from The Injury Lawyers

Firstly it’s important to remind you that the length of the case can be determined by many different things and the advice in this blog is designed to be a guide as to how quickly a real claim can settle. Each case is different but the example here can demonstrate how rapidly we as an expert firm of injury lawyers can get the case resolved using our unique and efficient systems, our extensive experience, and road accident specialism.

So what happens in a car accident claim?

We normally submit a claim notification form directly to the insurers of the driver at fault. They then have 15 working days to admit liability, which is the first hurdle of the claim. If they accept fault early and don’t try and fight us then that is one of the major things that can delay a claim out of the way. Where a defendant disputes fault it is hard to say how long it will take as we have to fight them for a payout.

We must prove that your injures were caused as a result of the accident and we must be able to show the extent and severity of the suffering in order to justify how much your claim is worth. We do this by organising for you to attend a ‘medico-legal’ appointment where an expert of our choosing will asses you and provide us with a report. This report can then be used as valuable evidence in support of your claim.

Now we just need to settle the claim once we have all of your losses and expenses accounted for. You are fully entitled to claim for lost earnings, travel expenses, medical expenses, and a whole host of other things.

It is then down to us to fight for the best possible payout for you.

So how quickly can I settle a real car accident claim?

In a dead straightforward case where liability is admitted and you are not suffering badly we can get the claim done and dusted in a few short months. If you are suffering long term then we will normally advise you not to settle too quickly.

We recently settled a claim where it took just 52 days from the submission of our claim notification from to confirmation from the insurers that the case was agreed. That’s just less than eight weeks! So you really can get a claim settled in literally a matter of weeks as this is based on a real actually example – but it does all depend on the quality of your lawyer and the factors we have discussed above.

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