How much compensation for an ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) reconstruction?

Are you thinking of making a claim for personal injury compensation after suffering damage to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)? Here is some advice on how we value claims and what you need to do to make sure you get a lawyer who will be able to fight for the highest settlement possible for you.

Any damage to the ACL can be long term and permanent so it is always worth making a claim if this has happened to you.

How we value the claim

Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you.

We can value the claim by sending you to see an expert consultant who is qualified to provide a formal report known as a medico-legal report. This kind of report can then be used as expert evidence both for the claim and in a court of law where necessary.

For ACL damage we would likely instruct an orthopaedic surgeon with particular experience in lower limb and knee injuries. This report will outline the extent and severity of your suffering to allow us to prove the extent of the damage and affect on your life.

The report will look at things like:

  • The extent of the damage – reconstruction is usually the final option for ruptured ligaments, and attracts higher awards then tears and strains
  • Whether you have also suffered damage and ruptures to other ligaments
  • Nerve damage
  • Requirement for crutches and non-weight baring periods
  • The amount of care and assistance you required
  • How the injury affected your hobbies and activities in the short term and how it may affect them in the long term (e.g. affects on playing football or using the gym as examples)
  • Future problems like arthritis

We also look at losses and expenses which can include things such as:

  • Lost earnings from time off work
  • Any affect on your future employability – particularly if you do a manual or active job
  • The cost of private medical care and rehabilitation

How much can you claim for an ACL reconstruction?

In line with the above we can look at the official guidelines for knee injury payout brackets

  • Less severe cases: £20,000 – £30,000
  • Severe cases: £50,000 – £70,000

How do I know how much I am entitled to? How do I get the most?

Simple – instruct our expert team of injury lawyers who will be able to fight for the highest amount we can for you. We can provide you with the best medical and legal assistance and we can do all the work for you on a no win, no fee basis.

Just call 0800 634 7575 for help and advice today.

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