Invacare Birdie Lifters – changes to carabiners following incidents reported to MHRA

In the wake of recent updates from the MHRA surrounding alarming numbers of injuries and fatalities caused by the improper use of hoists, wheelchairs, and supportive seating, a manufacturer has changed the design of a carabiner used for its Birdie Lifters following reports of dangerous occurrences.

A field safety notice was issued in February and the MHRA reported the design change and the action to be taken in a bulletin published yesterday.

The problem

The spreader bar was liable to come loose from the carabiner, which is a style of clip that was being used to hold the bar in place. Manufacturer Invacare, following a number of incident reports filed with the MHRA, are now fitting lockable carabiners as standard and replacements’ are now needed for Birdie Lifters prior to the switch.

Over several years there have been alarming numbers of incidents and even deaths that have been attributed to poor use of lifters, hoists, and supportive seating. A lot of it has come down to improper use by staff which has caused people to slip through belts or fall when belts and straps come loose. The report of the Invacare Birdie Lifter is the latest in a litany of issues surrounding the use of this vital yet dangerous equipment.

As a firm of expert injury lawyers who represent people for injuries caused in such incidents, we see it from the other side – i.e. the injured victim’s side. These kinds of falls which are largely caused to patients who already have significant mobility problems and pain – hence the need for such equipment – can lead to devastating effects for them if they are then injured due to the very equipment that is meant to assist them.

If you need specialist legal advice then call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 7575 today.

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