What is the lowest level of compensation for a whiplash injury?

Many people are curious to know what their whiplash claim will be worth in terms of the value of the claim. As whiplash injuries are so common, there is a lot of hearsay about how much claims are worth and it’s easy to give people estimates and averages.

But if we’re talking in terms of the minimum payouts, so you can know at least how much you will get as a bottom line, what are the amounts on offer?

When it comes to the value of a claim it’s all about the length of time you suffer and how severe the symptoms are. We use medical evidence to justify this in terms of proving that you were injured in an accident through no fault of your own. There are no ‘set payments’ as such because it’s the medical evidence that should largely dictate this.

Most people will suffer for at least a month or so which means the claim should be worth a minimum of £1,000. I can tell you this because we only take on a claim that is worth at least £1,000 because we cannot recover our usual legal fees if the claim is worth less. If the claim is worth less than £1,000 then your claim will probably fall within the “Small Claims Track.”

But many people will suffer for longer and the bracket for a minor whiplash claim payout is between around £1,000 to £5,000. Where you fit on this scale is totally dependent on three key things:

  1. The medical evidence and how long / badly you suffer for
  2. Your losses and expenses
  3. The quality of your injury lawyer

It’s true that a better lawyer can get you a better payout. The average compensation for a whiplash injury settles for around £2,500 but we find that our averages are often far above that. I have recently blogged about some winning whiplash claim payouts that were all in the region of £5,000.

Some lawyers like to settle cheaply and quickly for the standard amounts but you can spend an extra few weeks letting a good lawyer fight for your claim and you can double or even treble your payout.

We always aim to get the most for your claim so call 0800 634 7575 for expert help and advice today.

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