Slipping over in a pub on wet floor

Pubs, clubs, and bars and the floor being wet often come hand in hand. As the night goes on and the punters get merrier, drinks are bound to be spilled, and the floor is destined to become a dangerous slipping hazard.

But don’t think for one second that you are not eligible to make a claim just because you’re in a pub and you’ve been drinking alcohol. The law is the law, and I’ll explain how it works in relation to slipping over in a pub on a wet floor.

The duty of care

An important piece of legislation called The Occupiers Liability Act means that pubs have to take all reasonable steps to prevent accidents occurring on their premises. In a pub where visitors are likely going to end up intoxicated and where drinks are going to be spilled, we can argue that the duty is higher because of the increased risk of it happening.

So the owners – and by extension their staff – must take all reasonable steps to prevent you from coming to harm as a result of slipping over on a wet floor.

What steps must they take?

Normally the common steps that can be taken are:

  • Systems of inspection and maintenance to look out for hazards routinely
  • Procedures for reacting as quickly as possible to any reported spillages
  • Procedures to deploy wet floor signs where they are needed
  • Policies and training for staff to spot the hazards and sort them out when appropriate

How do I win my claim?

We must prove that the pub is in breach of their duty to protect you, and one vital thing that can help can be CCTV evidence. This can highlight the importance of making your claim early because vital footage – which is in use in many pubs and establishments of today – can be used to help fight your claim.

I was drunk – does this stop me from claiming?

If the slip is caused due to a hazard, then the fact you were intoxicated doesn’t really have any bearing on it. Insurers and Defendants do love to argue that you may have been partially responsible and so you may have to bear some responsibility. But if you slipped in liquid, you are still potentially the victim of negligence.

Need advice?

It’s easy – just call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 7575 today.

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