Another whiplash claim settled for almost £5,000!

This is the fourth blog in recent days where I have been able to prove the worth of instructing a law firm and claiming the right way. Yet another whiplash claim we have pursued has been settled for a sum that is almost twice the average amount of the average minor whiplash claim, and is more than five times what the insurers traditionally offer directly when they first approach you.

This is just more evidence that you should instruct an expert injury law firm like us to fight your whiplash claim! We’re not kidding around or just ‘touting for business’ when we advise you of all of this – we’re genuinely trying to warn and help you.

So here is the case of Mrs M who has recently accepted an offer of just under £4,800 in full and final settlement of her whiplash injury claim that was caused by the other driver failing to give way at a junction. Whilst every case is different and there are individual medical factors to consider, this doesn’t hide the fact that Mrs M could have easily fallen victim to a ‘third party capture’ incident had the insurers approached her directly before she instructed us.

What they love to do is entice you in to accepting offers in the region of £500 to £1,500 typically, and they’ll give you a load of tag lines and clichés to justify you doing it. The common ones are:

  • Getting the claim settled now and the money in your bank without having to wait for ‘years’ for a claim to settle
  • Cutting out the ‘middleman lawyer’ and settling directly with no fuss or hassle
  • Alleging they are giving you more to offset them not having to pay legal fees

Well here’s the truth – most really easy and straightforward cases don’t take years at all! The no brainer cases can be settled in a few short months, and saying we are middlemen is a truly appalling statement. The only way you can properly value an injury claim is with expert medico-legal evidence and a qualified lawyer to value the claim.

For me, that’s like saying you don’t need a convincing solicitor to buy a house. Its madness!

They say they will give you more, but look at the facts:

  • Research has shown that you can get four times more the original offer with a lawyer negotiating your claim
  • The average minor whiplash injury claim settles for around £2,500 – potentially double what they try and mug you off with when they offer amounts directly
  • We have recently settled four whiplash claims that were all for sums of around £5,000 – that’s double the average amount and around four to five times more then what they initially offer you

The evidence is clear – there are thousands of people under settling their whiplash claim when they accept amounts direct form the insurers. Of course, some people may make an informed decision that they don’t want to even wait a few months to double their money and would rather settle there and then. That’s fine – what we’re warning you of is the risks and what you could have had if you had settled the claim the proper way.

But sadly many people do go on to regret it. We have had many calls over our many years of helping people who want to try and reopen their claim. But the fact is, once it’s settled, it’s settled. Getting any more will be extremely hard to do.

On the subject of whiplash claims, I settled mine for £6,500 in 2013 – so there’s another example for you!

Need some advice? Just call 0800 634 7575 today.

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