Another PIP breast implant claim settled!

We’ve been acting for a large majority of the PIP breast implant scandal victims over the last few years and we’ve been settling claims thick and fast for tens of thousands of pounds.

We recently settled another two claims – both in the region of £12,000 for the pain and suffering of having to go through the revision surgery and for the worry and stress that has been caused.

We specialise in group action claims and we are helping many people making different claims for cases where thousands of people are involved.

The PIP claims are settling based on a number of factors. Primarily the factors are about whether there has been a rupture sustained or not (and whether the rupture is in one or both breasts); whether silicone has leaked in to lymph glands; whether several operations have been needed due to the severity of scarring or other factors; any any long term physical or psychological affects caused.

Offers and claims can generally be in the ranges of around £5,000 to £40,000. It all does depend on the extent of any suffering and the extent of financial losses and expenses caused as well. We have a lot of close ties with expert barristers who have assisted us with the claims to make sure our clients are being awarded fair amounts to reflect the severity of what they have had to go through.

Many of the claims are being settled with credit card companies who financed the operations given how many of the clinics have liquidated themselves either over the course of the last decade or as a direct response to the claims. Many of them have evaded liability by liquidating their companies and / or shifting their finances and assets around.

We’re currently leading the way in the fight for justice for the victims of Nottinghamshire dentist Desmond D’Mello which may end up being run in a similar way to the PIP claims.

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