If I’ve been injured by a colleague, can I still claim?

The short answer is – yes, you may still be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation! A lot of people are often unaware or unsure whether they can make a claim if they have been the victim of a mistake from a colleague.

It’s understandable – if you are injured by a colleague, how can you blame your employer and win a claim against them?

I’ll tell you how – with the law!

The term ‘vicarious liability‘ means that the negligence of an employee can fall on to the employer. Its the same reason as to why you can sue a supermarket as a customer if you are injured by a supermarket employee – the supermarket is ultimately responsible for the actions of their employees.

So, in the workplace, the negligence of a colleague can fall directly on to your employer. It doesn’t matter whether the accident is caused through a lack of training or supervision, or any other scenario where you can reasonably demonstrate that your employer has failed in some way. Even if it is simply down to a colleague not paying attention or making a mistake, you have the right to claim.

You’re covered!

It’s the law for employer to have liability insurance to protect them when employees need to make a claim. So when you claim for this sort of thing, it isn’t personal – you’re simply claiming the money that you are entitled to from the insurance that exists to cover you.

Most employers nowadays tell their employees to get a lawyer and lodge a work injury claim when they have been injured. It’s a normal and natural process.

What to do

Our specialist work accident lawyers can help you claim the maximum compensation in the quickest possible time. The whole process is streamlined and in many straightforward cases we can get your claim settled in a few months.

We work on a no win, no fee basis and you’ll never be stung by hidden charges or upfront costs for cases – call our team now on 0800 634 7575 for help and advice.

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