Advice for Mesothelioma‎ compensation claims

Mesothelioma is an awful condition. Mesothelioma, a form of cancer, develops in the cells in the protective lining around the organs, and the most common site of the disease is in the lungs.

Many Mesothelioma sufferers have developed the deadly condition through exposure to asbestos which was widely used in our country, and many people who worked with asbestos may have been exposed to it.

It has been said that asbestos kills more people than road traffic accidents – so it’s important to know your rights.

Mesothelioma often takes years (in fact, decades) to develop – so you may have been exposed to it and you may have no idea until you start to develop the symptoms later on in life. Recognised and common symptoms that can initially occur are:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing and wheezing – including coughing blood
  • Chest pain and / or abdominal pain
  • Fatigue and weight loss

The accepted facts about asbestos are that it is practically harmless until disturbed. Many old buildings in the UK still contain asbestos which is why it’s important for employees removing it to be wearing full protective gear. But before the dangers of asbestos were understood, many people worked with it and may have been exposed to it. Inhaling the fibres and dust from disturbed asbestos is the cause of cancers like Mesothelioma.

So, whilst the use of asbestos was rightfully banned in the 90’s, people are continuously developing Mesothelioma through exposure many decades ago. The extent of those affected is difficult to comprehend given that the symptoms can take more than 40 years to show.

Unfortunately the prognosis for recovery from Mesothelioma and asbestos related illness is significantly poor. There are many traditional treatment options available like radiation therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy; but in a large majority of cases it is simply a matter of time and very little can be done.

Your legal rights

There are a lot of law firms out there who advertise helping people claim compensation for Mesothelioma and asbestos related illnesses. Given the serious nature of Mesothelioma, it’s important to instruct the right law firm to make sure you are awarded, and retain, as much compensation as possible.

You need expert legal help and advice. We are a real law firm – many websites out there that advertise for Mesothelioma claims are not. They are simply middlemen claims management companies who farm claims to law firms, and it can end up costing you a great deal of money.

So here is advice from an expert and independent firm of personal injury lawyers who have a dedicated team that represent victims for Mesothelioma cases as well as other serious and catastrophic compensation claim victims.

We can trace the insurers of the employer or company that exposed you too asbestos, and we will fight for your rights to prove that your illness is related to exposure. Insurers are facing millions of pounds in compensation payouts for asbestos related illnesses, and when they know there is a potentially large payout they have to make, it’s not uncommon for them to try and fight us.

We’re more than happy to investigate claims on a genuine no win, no fee basis

As a firm of expert lawyers who only represent compensation claimant’s, you’re in the right hands – which we know is important.

We can visit you at your home at a time and date that is entirely convenient for you. Our solicitors will be able to talk through with you, your story and take a detailed account and statement to be used for the case.

Because our team regularly help victims for serious compensation claims, we have access to the best treatment and care providers, as well as access to expert barristers and Queen’s Councillors to assist in building your case.

There is a great deal to look at when we work with you to build your mesothelioma? compensation claim. Your claim is formed from two parts – General Damages for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused; and Special Damages for any losses and expenses caused as a result of your condition. You can have access to the best medical experts to provide reports for us to value the claim, and we can assess and build a Schedule of Loss that fully details what the condition has, and will, cost you.

The common aspects of Special Damages include:

  • Lost earnings – both past, present, and future
  • Travel expenses to and from hospital appointments – we can look at setting you up with an account with a local firm for you and fund the travel from the insurers
  • Any aids or equipment you need to help you
  • Any private medical care, where applicable
  • Hourly rates for family and friends who help you out – or professional care when required

Where we can, we will obtain funding for anything needed from the other side during the case.

The most important thing when it comes to making a claim for Mesothelioma and asbestos related illness is instructing an expert injury law firm with the know-how and expertise to properly and fully assist you. It’s also important to retain as much of your claim as possible which is why we don’t have to take 25% from your payout like other law firms do.

We’re here to help. Call us 0800 634 7575 for a no obligation chat about your options.

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