Loss of teeth, or tooth damage, injury compensation claims

I bet there aren’t many people out there who enjoy going to the dentist – teeth and damage to the teeth isn’t a very pleasing thing to think about, is it?

Tooth damage or loss of teeth in an accident can be a real nightmare – there’s the constant pain, expensive dental work, and the vanity issue of looking different due to noticeably missing teeth.

So what can you claim for, if you need to make a claim for compensation for teeth damage or loss of teeth?

Claims are split in to two parts – General Damages for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused; and Special Damages for the losses and expenses incurred as a result of the accident for the injury.

Special damages are commonly made of things like lost earnings from time off work, medication expenses, treatment expenses, and other things. The treatment expenses here is what can amount to thousands of pounds in dental work for crowns, caps, bridges, or other necessary work. The costs involved can run in to their thousands – but the good news is that these costs can be recovered as part of your claim.

Keep receipts or invoices and we can look to include this as part of the claim. If you need to pay for pain medication and / antibiotics, then you can claim this back as well.

When it comes to the amount for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused, it’s all down to the individual suffering that you have to go through. The more you suffer, the more we get for you; and we value this by using an expert report from a private appointment we’ll set up for you with a suitably qualified consultant.

Amounts for loss of teeth or teeth damage claims

To give you an idea of the payouts though, we can look at the official guidelines we use with the medical evidence to get a very basic idea of what kinds of payouts are attached to tooth loss and teeth damage injury claims:

  • Loss of or damage to back teeth, per tooth: £780 to £1,225
  • Loss of or serious damage to one front tooth: £1,575 to £2,800
  • Loss of or serious damage to two front teeth: £3,100 to £5,430
  • Loss of or serious damage to several front teeth: £6,250 to £8,150

Significant, chronic, tooth pain (such as from an untreated abscess) extending over a number of years together with significant general deterioration in the overall condition of teeth attract payouts in the region of £27,250.

Call us 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today.

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