Leg injury claims for pulled muscles, strains and soft tissue damage

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have broken any bones or torn / ruptured ligaments in the leg to make a claim for personal injury compensation. Soft tissue damage such as strains are injuries you can claim for as well, so don’t think it’s too minor just because you’ve escaped needing an operation or a leg brace.

Assessing how a leg injury claim is valued

We value a claim by sending you to see an expert medical consultant who will produce a report for us that we then use to value a case. The expert will examine how the injury has affected you in all areas of your life – socially, domestically, at work, etc.

Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you. You don’t have to be an absolute agony for ages and ages to make a claim – as long as there are symptoms for more than four weeks or so, we as an injury law firm can help.

For us to be able to represent you for a claim and recover fees from the opponent, the value of the leg injury claim must be at least £1,000. We can normally judge this by knowing whether an injury has, or will, last for around the four week mark or so. As long as it does, there shouldn’t be an issue.

As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to be in absolute agony for four weeks though. As long as there are still symptoms and / or pain then we can include this. It’s common with many injuries to have a period of more intense suffering before a period where there may be a few tinges, stiffness, and discomfort for a further period of time.

What else can be claimed with a leg injury?

Because leg injuries can be rather debilitating, it may prevent you from working. Even if it’s just a few days or a couple of weeks you need off, we can include a claim for lost earnings if you lose out on any money through time off work.

We can also include travel expenses to and from appointments, care and assistance claims for help from friends and family, and medication costs to manage the pain and swelling.

When it comes to valuing these sorts of claims, we need medical evidence and full knowledge of a file – but we can take a quick look at the guidelines to give us an idea of what the sort of payout could be:

  • More modest injuries that recover within a few months – up to £1,750
  • Soft tissue injuries top end of the bracket – up to £6,500

Call 0800 634 7575 to get your leg injury claim started today. If you prefer, why not arrange a call back from one of our team, for FREE instant advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you back at a time which suits you.

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