I need an accident lawyer!

Had an accident that wasn’t your fault? Need an accident lawyer to represent you for a claim for personal injury compensation?

Read on for some important and VITAL advice about what you need to know when you’re in need of an accident lawyer to help you with a case. Different law firms work in different ways so it’s important to understand the ins and outs of charges, procedures, and ways of working.

What do I need to do to get an accident lawyer!?

Simply call a firm of personal injury lawyers for advice about starting a claim. Go directly to a law firm and avoid middlemen claims management companies and accident advice services. They are NOT law firms but simply middlemen who pass you to a law firm and can delay the process and lead to charges!

You don’t need them and you need to watch out because some websites purport to be ‘real lawyers’ when they are, in fact, just another claims company who adds no value to your claim and may lead to increased fees.

Always go direct to a lawyer for advice and help!

How much will an accident lawyer charge me?

It can depend a lot on who you speak to. The law changed in April 2013 which stopped you recovering all your legal fees from the opponent, so expect a percentage deduction to reflect this. It’s unfortunate, but it’s not the law firms fault as it was the government that changed the law – not us!

A law firm can take up to 25% of your claim to cover their Success Fee which is no longer recoverable from the other side. Many will take additional percentages for other fees which lead to overall deductions of maybe 35% or 40%

Some law firms will ask for payments for insurance upfront as well, because this can no longer be recovered either. Some may ask for it at the end of the claim or partway through, and there may still be additional fees and charges to pay.

Which accident lawyer can give me the best deal?

If the above hasn’t scared you enough then I’m not doing a good enough job of giving you the vital insight in to how costly a claim can end up being. But it doesn’t have to be that way at all!

Speak to us for the best deal we can offer you:

  • We don’t have to take 25% from your claim
  • We don’t have upfront charges for most claims
  • We don’t have additional percentages on top of the 25% for the Success Fee
  • We don’t involve ourselves with middlemen who take their own cut

We’re a real law firm and we specialise in claiming for personal injury compensation so you’re in more than capable hands with us. We don’t have hidden fees and we communicate clearly to our clients about what they are liable for.

Our No Win, No Fee does exactly what it says on the tin – you don’t win your case, we can write off our legal fees.

How do I contact The Injury Lawyers to be my accident lawyer?

Just call us on 0800 634 7575 for a free and friendly, no obligation, chat about what’s happened. If you want to instruct us right away then we can get a claim set up over the phone and get the ball rolling straight away for you!

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